In the amazing movement of the Holy Spirit called Spiritual Formation, God has raised up many ministries focused on the life-long transformation of believers toward deepening intimacy with our Lord, greater reflection of His person, and undying commitment to His mission to bring His love and Lordship to all people. These ministries form an amazing tapestry that reflects the coming Kingdom, the loving face of Jesus, and resources for the journey. The following ministries have deeply impacted my life and so I would like to share them with you.
Spiritual Formation Society of Arizona
Nine years ago, Dr. Ted Wueste founded the SFSAZ to help foster the spiritual formation movement in Arizona (and beyond) by creating safe environments where learners and leaders can experience and grow in the love of the Trinity. The Society provides retreats, spiritual direction connections, conferences, soul care days, and connections with church networks. I served on their Board for some years and am now privileged to serve as a member of their ministry team.
The Order of Imago Christi
About twenty years ago, God told me to create an order of men and women who would help the leaders of His Church lead out of their love for Him rather than the many alternatives. Now, many sisters and brothers who live in many different places have come together in a common Rule of Life and Mission in this Protestant order. Imago Christi is called to prophetically live out and invite Christian leaders into an intimate and transforming relationship of love with the Trinity so that the love of God will overflow through the Church into a world that desperately needs Him. They support leaders with spiritual formation resources, coaching, and relationships. Their Spiritual Formation Discovery for Leaders event provides a unique opportunity to introduce and encourage ongoing spiritual growth.
Leadership Transformation Inc.
Leadership Transformations, Inc. was founded by Steve Macchia, in collaboration with Gordan Conwell in 2003. They have focused on Christian leaders and congregations from the perspective that a depth of loving intimacy with God (The Great Commandment) and an understanding of the leader’s unique call enables leaders, teams and churches to dynamically embrace the Great Commission. Their ministry offers the Selah Spiritual Direction Program, leadership assessment and training, a listing of trained spiritual directors, and prolific writings by Steve Macchia.
Souly Business
Souly Business’ mission is to connect men in the marketplace with their Heavenly Father…
and one another by providing a series of retreats and ongoing support for men who feel a need to “reboot” their lives and in a deepening relationship with God. These life-changing opportunities are offered by chapters in California, Canada, Georgia, North Carolina, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Tennesssee, and West Virginia.
Soul Shepherding
Soul Shepherding offers resources and training for you and the people you influence to thrive with Jesus. Founders Bill and Kristi Gaultier are Doctors of Psychology and Spiritual Directors who have developed a distinctive approach to intimacy with Jesus, personal wholeness, and fruitful ministry which they teach in their Institute. Dear friends, Bill and Kristi have spoken into my own ministry and into the life of Imago Christi.
Cloudwalk Ministries
Founded by Larry Green in 2002, Cloudwalk provides an amazing community that welcomes and invites people into a loving relationship with God, Jesus and Holy Spirit. A relationship with the Trinity that many don’t know is available or even possible. “We are here to help you fall in love with your Creator, discover who God really is, who you really are in Christ Jesus and in doing so, together experience the abundant, transforming and eternal way promised to all who eagerly search for it.” Located in the Georgia area, they offer a number of retreats and spiritual formation experiences in the context of an open spiritual community.
Renovaré offers resources and community for a deeper, more transformative life with God, built around the ministries of Richard Foster. Known in the spiritual formation movement as a center point for conferences and spiritual growth collaborations. The ministry now offers a host of resources focused for Christians who want to deepen their life with God.
Soul Formation
Founded by Morris Dirks, Soul Formation exist for the wholeness of Christian leaders. For over 15 years they have served leaders by creating relational environments that transform those who lead by either influence or position in churches, non-profits, social justice & civic organizations, and businesses. They believe God uses transformed leaders to transform the world. Soul Formation, ministering in the Portland, Oregon area offers the Academy of Spiritual Formation, the School of Spiritual Direction, and instruction in the Ignatian Exercises.